onsdag 25 november 2015

För världen tar ju inte riktigt slut där ditt logiska tänkande slutar greppa verkligheten

"In meditation I access it, in yoga I feel it, on drugs it hit me like a hammer. At sixteen, staring in to a bathroom mirror on LSD, contrary to instruction ('Don't look in the mirror, Russ, it'll fuck your head up'; mental note: look in mirror), I saw that my face wasn't my face at all, but a face I lived behind and was welded to by a billion nerves. I looked into my eyes and saw there was something looking back at me that was not me, not what I'd taken to be me. The unrefined ocean beyond the shallow pool was cascading through the mirror back at me. Nature looking at nature. Not me, little ol' Russ, tossed about on turbulent seas; these distinctions were engineered. On acid these realisations are absolute. The disobedient brain is whipped into its basket like a yapping hound cowed by Cesar Milan."

- Russell Brand,  Revolution

I övrigt: Asaf Avidan - Setting Scalpels Free, Ghost Loft - Seconds, Famy - Ava (alltid), Xavier Rudd - Spirit Bird, Patrick Watson - Lighthouse